My emotional support ex-girlfrienD

Cum along 4 intimate convos on sexuality, breakups, queer identity, taboo, n more

Audio diarY

I read from Patrick Califia's "Beyond Leather- Expanding the Realm of the Senses to Latex" and add my own experiences and pov as a rubber freak in a leather world.

My practice reading of Pat Califia's "A Secret Side of Lesbian Sexuality" from 1979. I read at Self-Serve Sunday Dec 2023, where you there?

The German Man

What happens when you get ur tits out at the beach? Listen for part one of the story. Part 2 gets wild childs.

German Man Returns 

Part 2 of a topless adventures. This time less fun. A German Nudist groped me at the beach. I caught him on audio. CW listening to this..

£24$ to hear. no need to feel poorly about your interest. I'd rather profit off lecherous men  than hold memories in silence. plus the tail is quite the wild ride, you'll want to hear how i handled it. 

Venmo or Cashapp with your interest to be sent the link. Its worth ur