£25/$5 for 1 hr introductory readings
Your astrological birthchart is often described as a map of who you are. Would you like to have it read?
Whether its your first time diving into astrological knowldge or you have a great base of your own, ill bring you something new with my astrological perspective focused on clarifying your purpose, synastry connections, decoding asteroids goddesses, and Lilith placements.
My $24£ intorductory hour price reflects my desire to share this knowledge broadly and my still relative newness at offering strological readings professsionally. I don't study your chart beforehand but rather discoved and decode within that hour as I share with you my findings. If you wish to purchase additional readings at the $240£ an hour price range I will already have your chart to study more deeply as well as preparing a mini persoanlized website (ex: here) with information for you to be able to look back upon. documents for you
Help me build my skill set and discover new sides to yourselves or your connectionswith a reading!
£250/$250 each reading following
Dive to the depths and further explore your nature as told by your unique celestial placements
For astrological readings I require your birthdate, location, and birthtime (if your birthtime is not available to you i can still provide an accurate reading but birthtime is required for full specificity)